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Yoga & HypnoBirthing Workshop*

Anna Smit October 21, 2013 0 comments 0

Provide your baby with the best possible start in life.

This workshop is designed to give you effective tools to heighten your enjoyment of this special time. You will get in touch with your gentle and nurturing side; learn simple and easy-to-apply breathing techniques, visualization and self-affirmations.

Your body will feel more flexible, strong, and lengthened; your mind will be grounded in a deep dimension of calm.

Enhancing your body-mind wellbeing to sustain a beautiful pregnancy, and giving birth in an intensely positive way, these empowering sensations feed your baby and your forthcoming parenthood, as he will enter the world in a calm and peaceful way, carrying these initial experiences into the journey of life.

Saturday November 9
13:30 – 16:00

Sukha Yoga, Ceintuurbaan 243 Amsterdam

Price: € 55,- or € 45,- for Sukha Yoga Card holders


* Introduction workshop towards the complete course, starting at the end of November

For more information please contact Inbal Sigler,

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