Connecting with your baby and your own transformation
By Anna Smit
Start: Monday February 12
Time: 12 PM – 1 PM
Teacher: Anna Smit
Where: Sukha Yoga, Ceintuurbaan 243
Reservation: Click here
What I noticed during my pregnancy was the absence of classes to connect with my body and the child I was carrying.
Most classes were either modified ways to excercise or a preparation to the birth.
Whereas I was looking for a way to relax my body, to connect deeper and to understand the ungoing transformation.
It took me a few years to finalize what I would love to offer to you now:
An hour of Restorative Yoga where you dig deep within to connect both physically with the current state of the body
and spritually with your unborn child.
What to expect?
Expect a deep relaxation of the body, a few gentle Yoga poses and a Yoga Nidra way of meditation (a guided meditation, while lying
What to bring?
We offer beautiful soft woolen Yogamats and bolsters, tea and blankets, but you’re free to bring your own blankets and pillows
and whatever you need to relax more!