All Yogastudio’s have to close the doors for group sessions as from november 5th, 2020.
New Corona Precautions
Sukha Yoga is affiliated with the new founded association Vereniging Yogascholen Nederland and we follow their Corona precautions protocol.
Sukha online
Join our classes online by subscribing for a class as usual through our schedule.
Closed until April 6th 2020
Of course our hearts are hurting, but safety first is also our highest priority and therefore we close Sukha until April 6th 2020.I’ll clear the schedule tonight, but I wanted to give you a heads up first. Of course I’ll work on a way to freeze your subscriptions and I would love to offer online services, but I’ll come back…
Extra precautions Covid 19
As from tonight’s classes on we will stop using our woolen mats, sheepskins, blankets and eye pillows till further notice. You’re more than welcome to bring your own blanket(s) and eye pillow/eye mask for the Yin | Deep Relax | Yoga Nidra sessions. And if you want to use our bolsters and/or pillows, please bring a pillow case! We have…